Tuesday, December 19, 2006

BIL Lesson 14/12/2006 - General Hands

Private Bridge Lessons
email wjburrows@gmail.com
cascade: Welcome again
cascade: I hope you enjoyed the tournament
cascade: One rule ...
BILmanager (Lobby): I have done the notice :-)
bluehi: ok
cascade: please restrict public chat to the question time at the end
of each hand
cascade: it makes it easier for everyone to follow

cascade: === Board One ===

Brd 1 ♠ AJ86
Dlr N  953
Nil    K4
      ♣ K532
♠ KQ52        ♠ T7
JT82         AKQ7
Q53          AJ72
♣ QT          ♣ J98
      ♠ 64
      ♣ J87
cascade: These days some players open balanced 11 hcp ...
cascade: I know because I am one of them ...
bluehi->Kibitzers: lol
cascade: but it is far from standard and you are probably best to
avoid it unless you are playing in a regular partnership and have
discussed this
cascade: actually if I play in a pick-up partnership I avoid these
light openings
cascade: East has a normal 1NT opening
cascade: I am certainly not put off by the weak doubleton spade
cascade: the best strategy is to open 1NT with everything balanced and
within range (15-17)
cascade: and West has 10 points - enough for game
cascade: and two four-card majors
rq4mulae->Kibitzers: regardless of TWO unstopped suits?
cascade: we start with Stayman with a four-card major
cascade: If you do not open 1NT when in range you will create rebid
problems that are unsolvable at times
cascade: not on every hand
cascade: but sometimes
cascade: opening 1NT makes the rest of the auction go smoothly for you
cascade: and the reality is that the unstopped suits are usually not a problem
cascade: occasionally they are but usually not
cascade: I know from good experience since most of my bridge life I
have played 12-14 1NT ...
cascade: imagine how many more unstopped suits you have in a 12-14
hand compared with a 15-17 hand
cascade: actually sometimes now I play 10-13
cascade: East has four hearts so he shows them
cascade: and West having found a fit goes to game
cascade: This illustrates the point and shows one way in which the
weak suit(s) are not a problem
cascade: we have ended in 4 not No Trumps
cascade: so now our small doubleton spade is an asset not a liability
cascade: careful play and a lucky position in diamonds will allow this to make
cascade: so we are a bit lucky but the ♠A is wrong so it evens out a little
cascade: ==============
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ==============
moonjohn: would u finesse with the qd or jd?
cascade: asking questions publically is best
cascade: then everyone sees the question and answer together
cascade: i was asked about the diamond position
cascade: it is best to play low to the jack and hope for a doubleton king
cascade: if you lead the queen there is no way on best defense that
you can score three diamond tricks without losing the lead
moonjohn->Kibitzers: tks thats what I thought but wanted ur xprt advise
kasey28->Kibitzers: if N opened 1♣, what would E bid?
cascade: actually on this hand you are likely to get a diamond lead
p_orto->Club: opps wlc pls join
cascade: and north has no good move
moonjohn->Kibitzers: e doubles
cascade: if North opens 1♣ East has a problem
cascade: 15 points he wants to bid
cascade: but he has no stopper for 1NT
cascade: and no five-card suit for an overcall
cascade: and only two spades which make the hand unsuitable for a takeout double
cascade: I might overcall 1NT
cascade: but with a minimum and no real stopper that is probably not best
cascade: so I would probably overcall my great four-card heart suit
kasey28: ty
moonjohn: so wud x be the best call?
cascade: usually an overcall shows five but I would break the rules
for this hand
cascade: double would be worst in my opinion
cascade: i would rather pass than double
moonjohn: ok

cascade: === Board Two ===

Brd 2 ♠ Q53
Dlr E  6
NS     A953
      ♣ AKQJT
♠ AK97         ♠ J82
982           AQJ753
KT42          Q7
♣ 95           ♣ 43
      ♠ T64
      ♣ 8762
moonjohn: cud e bid 1d/
cascade: 10 points and six hearts
cascade: this hand is near the boundaries for a weak two
cascade: in my partnership at this vulnerability we pre-empt very aggressively
cascade: so this hand is way too good for a weak two for me
cascade: and I would open 1H
cascade: 1
cascade: however if partner doesnt expect something as light as 10
points then it might be best to open 2
cascade: actually in the tournament I subbed briefly for the beginning
of this board
cascade: and had the east cards
cascade: and I opened 2
cascade: since I didn't want my partner to expect more from 1 in a
pick-up partnership
cascade: I would double with the North hand
cascade: you would like to have a fourth spade for a takeout double
cascade: but they don't always deal you the perfect hand
MikeJ: Would West not want to extend the preempt knowing the
partnership is weak and having at least a 9-card fit?
cascade: that hand has support for the other suits and good strength
so double is best
->MikeJ: that is possible
MikeJ: ty
cascade: South is awkwardly placed now
cascade: with only four points and no good suit to bid
cascade: here 3♣ is ok since partner has clubs
cascade: but often the double will have one three-card minor
cascade: and you wouldn't want to hit that with four small
cascade: West might compete to 3
cascade: some would have raised to 3 on the previous round
cascade: that is reasonable too
MikeJ: :)
cascade: and North would probably compete further to 4♣
cascade: which is too high for NS
cascade: After 2 X P ?
cascade: some partnerships play Lebensohl
cascade: that is outside the scope of this lesson
cascade: but is a convention that some of you might like to look up
cascade: briefly (2) X (P) 2NT shows any weak hand (Playing
Lebensohl) and double now normally bids 3♣ and then you bid your suit
cascade: coversely if you bid 3♣ (not 2NT) or any other suit at the
three level you show some useful values (7-10 or so)
cascade: ==============
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ==============
andrzej37: never bid 4 club
->andrzej37: why not?
cascade: next hand ...
andrzej37: down2 =200

cascade: === Board Three ===

Brd 3 ♠ AQ83
Dlr S  742
EW     A7
      ♣ K532
♠ J9           ♠ K4
KQJ9          A83
KT964         QJ85
♣ T8           ♣ A976
      ♠ T7652
      ♣ QJ4
->andrzej37: and you know partner has complete rubbish in advance how?
cascade: This time East with 14 points has nothing sensible to say over 1♣
cascade: Double would be very bad ...
cascade: you would be very badly placed if partner bid spades
cascade: so you have to pass
cascade: West with a near maximum passed hand can compete with 1
cascade: and now East can show his 14 points
cascade: he knows that partner is a passed hand
dae: cue?
cascade: so I think this hand is somewhere between a very good 1NT and
a jump to 2NT
cascade: or you can show your support for partner's diamonds
dae: not cuebid to show limit raise or better?
cascade: partner's like it when you raise their suits
cascade: so i think that is best
cascade: here I would make a cue-raise - 2♣ to show at least
invitational to game values and diamond support
dae: y
cascade: West has the most that he could possibly have for a 1
overcall after being a passed hand
cascade: so I would show a good hand by rebidding 2
cascade: I would show a weak hand by rebidding 2
cascade: and East might now try 3NT
cascade: this will be defeated on a spade lead
cascade: but in all honesty I think with two honours in the suit
partner opened I would lead a club
cascade: ==============
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ==============
shukran: .

cascade: === Board Four ===

Brd 4 ♠ AKT762
Dlr W  T9
All    AQ
      ♣ Q52
♠ J98          ♠ Q
K63           Q852
T864          K9753
♣ A84          ♣ KJT
      ♠ 543
      ♣ 9763
bluehi: thanks need to go
cascade: some would bid with the East hand
cascade: but it has a bad 11 points
cascade: and partner has passed
cascade: and we are vulnerable
cascade: so there is little point
cascade: South has a normal raise to 2♠
cascade: North has a little extra and might try for game
cascade: but he needs partner to cover - 1 spade loser, two heart
losers, two club losers and a perhaps a diamond loser (although we can
finesse here)
cascade: three of these six need to be covered
cascade: maybe the spades will break without the queen
cascade: so perhaps it is worth an invite
cascade: South has a minimum though and will decline
cascade: depending on the lead this contract might prove to be difficult
cascade: a diamond lead and the contract has hope
kay199: is this a teaching game ?
cascade: a conservative pass by North would make life easier in the play
->kay199: yes
cascade: any questions?
Roe_Jamie: i am always 'lost' when i must lead....
cascade: ===========
cascade: this is not a good hand to learn from
kay199: how come it is only cascade playing ?
cascade: it is relatively unattractive to lead from any suit here
kay199: oh thanks- new to all this
Roe_Jamie: u have to lead something and HOW do u know what's best?
cascade: I may well lead a diamond
cascade: longest and strongest and all of that
Roe_Jamie: ok,ty
cascade: the more interesting play problem on this hand is declarer's
play of the spades
cascade: when the queen falls the odds are nearly 2:1 to finesse West
for the Jack
cascade: that is it is about twice as likely that West has Jx (as in
this hand) as it is for East to have started QJ only
cascade: so we go to the heart
cascade: and finesse as the normal play on the hand
kay199: what does finesse mean ? i only had 5 lessons
cascade: ==============
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ==============
rq4mulae: my p found very good lead of CJ, then didn't play 3rd C
after return. :-)
cascade: finesse is lead toward your high honours so that an opponent
must play in front of you
kay199: fnesses?
cascade: this allows you to win with a lower card sometimes
cascade: the typical example is ...
cascade: lead toward AQ
kay199: yeh this is the prob i have- i always try to win with my high
cards then get stuck how to win with the low ones
cascade: then if the king is in front of the AQ your queen will win
cascade: if the king is behind the queen then there was nothing you
could do you would always lose
kay199: thank you
kay199: joking about what?

cascade: === Board Five ===

Brd 5 ♠ Q63
Dlr N  AT6
NS     87
      ♣ KT876
♠ JT87         ♠ A2
8754          J32
AK3           QJT652
♣ 42           ♣ QJ
      ♠ K954
      ♣ A953
cascade: 11 points and six diamonds is definitely worth an opening bid
cascade: South has a lightish takeout double
kay199: lightish takeout double???
kay199: looks like i am not even a beginner!
cascade: vulnerable opposite a passed partner it would not be bad to
pass but I think double is ok
cascade: West has 8 useful points
cascade: I would definitely bid
cascade: even though south is suggesting the majors with the double
cascade: EW might still have a 4-4 major suit fit
cascade: so I bid my hearts
cascade: exploring for a fit
cascade: North has 9 useful points and a five-card suit
cascade: I definitely bid in response to the takeout double
cascade: 3♣ is even possible
cascade: East can show the six-card suit with 2
cascade: and south might raise with a real fit
cascade: as would West with a fit in diamonds
cascade: which might end the auction
cascade: if North jumped to 3♣ he might buy the contract there
cascade: as it is unclear that East or West would bid again
cascade: West might with AKx
cascade: ==============
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ==============
MikeJ: Should it make?
cascade: 3♣ makes here and 3 goes 2-off
cascade: but it is too hard for North or South to double
Roe_Jamie: u see that rightaway? I just start and see how it ends;
cant think that far.....one should have a bèta mind LOL
cascade: neither is sure of defensive tricks

cascade: === Board Six ===

Brd 6 ♠ 8
Dlr E  Q2
EW     Q986432
      ♣ Q53
♠ T53          ♠ A976
KJT73         A98
A7            T5
♣ T42          ♣ AK96
      ♠ KQJ42
      ♣ J87
cascade: South might overcall 2♠
cascade: i usually pass 1NT with balanced hands
cascade: but this hand has a good spade suit
cascade: and most importantly the vulnerability is favourable
cascade: notice how this makes life difficult for West
cascade: with 8 points and five hearts
cascade: he might have transfered and invited game
cascade: now he is much more limited in how he can show his hearts
cascade: many play 3 is forcing
cascade: so he can overbid with 3
cascade: or pass or perhaps make a negative double
Roe_Jamie: even wehen vulnerable?
cascade: nothing is ideal
cascade: north doesnt have a spade fit so passes
dae: didn't know to make neg double over NT bids???
cascade: and East might just bid 2NT
cascade: which might end the auction
cascade: not everyone plays negative doubles after 1NT
cascade: many play penalty doubles
cascade: you must discuss this with your regular partners
cascade: I think negative double are much more effective
cascade: and more and more good players are playing negative double
cascade: after 1NT
rq4mulae: E should convert, white v. red or in MPs, yes?
cascade: but there are still some who like penalty doubles here
dae: must be alerted?
cascade: I wouldn't convert with A9xx sitting under the bidder
Dianne0516: What does neg x mean here?
cascade: i would alert negative doubles online
cascade: offline it depends where you play
cascade: where i play no doubles are alertable
cascade: negative double is a double in response to partner's opening
bid after the opponents have overcalled
cascade: and it requests partner to bid another suit
cascade: that is it is not for penalties which would request that partner passed
dae: but next bidder can always ask partner of the doubler what it means
->dae: yes
cascade: we have slipped into questions ...
cascade: ==============================
cascade: are there any more questions ?
cascade: ==============================
kasey28: N knows his partners bid is natural and won't confuse it with
DONT some other convention and bid his s?
Dianne0516: Does neg x show 5 hearts here?
cascade: you agree in advance
cascade: Bridge Base Basic has Landy - 2♣ = majors others natural as
its defense to 1NT
cascade: but you are free to play a different defense

cascade: thanks to BIL for hosting this session
cascade: see you all next week :-)

dae: if no 2 s bid, he would transfer to H and then bid 2 NT
cascade: Yes

Private Bridge Lessons
email wjburrows@gmail.com

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