Friday, December 22, 2006

BIL Lesson 21/12/2006

Private Bridge Lessons
BILmanager (Lobby): => Club: Cascade's Teaching Table now open in the BIL - review - all welcome
cascade: Welcome everyone
cascade: I hope you enjoyed the tournament
Claver Aes: Goulash hands :)

*** They were not goulash just random deals

DocHelm: sure did ty

cascade: === Board One ===

Brd 1  ♠ QJT976
North   QJ75
None    Q
       ♣ 87
♠ A8           ♠ K5432
 A4            3
 J752          AT9864
♣ J9543        ♣ K
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ ---
       ♣ AQT62
cascade: North is a weak two ...
cascade: except that it is standard not to open a weak two with a side four-card major
cascade: East is also close to a bid
cascade: I would open
cascade: but it might not be everyone's choice with only 10 points including a singleton King
cascade: East's hand is a little awkward ...
cascade: as aside from the lack of high card strength
cascade: it is not going to be easy to show both of your suits
cascade: (unless the auction goes extremely well for you)
cascade: If East opens 1 ...
cascade: then South will bid
cascade: his choices are 2NT to show the lower two unbid suits - clubs and hearts over 1
cascade: or overcall 1
cascade: Unless I have a marginal hand for any action or a very bad suit
cascade: I prefer to overcall my six-card suit with hands like this one
cascade: maybe sometimes if I am very strong I can show the two-suiter
cascade: If I start with 2NT it can be hard to find a six-two major suit fit
cascade: which I might regret more than missing a fit in the minor
cascade: so I start with the overcall
cascade: West has 10 points and a fit for diamonds
cascade: I would make a cue-raise - 2
cascade: this shows at least an invitational hand with support for partner's diamonds
cascade: if my clubs were better I might prefer 2♣ natural and forcing
cascade: there is a small risk with a cue-raise that partner is 4=4=3=2 ...
cascade: but in that case you have no fit anyway
cascade: North has quite a nice hand (for a passed hand) with heart support
cascade: so I raise
cascade: and East buoyed now with the knowledge of a fit will bid some more
cascade: he could raise diamonds - I would bid 5 if I raised - or bid spades to show his second suit
cascade: I like to show the spades
cascade: that might help partner to judge if the bidding continues to be competitive
cascade: South has an easy 4 and might think he is missing slam
cascade: maybe he too can bid his second suit to try and help partner
cascade: and I would not sell out to 5 with the south hand
cascade: East might be tempted to double
cascade: i would
cascade: since I have two aces and my partner opened the bidding
cascade: that might end the auction
cascade: and 5 might make depending on the lead

cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
rq4mulae: S a little too strong ... or weak ... for UNT, no?
cascade: East needs to return a trump to defeat this now
cascade: that protects partner's club trick
finar: i was north and bid the spades and than supported hearts/so i was wrong
cascade: bidding spades and then supporting hearts is fine
cascade: but it may get difficult for you
cascade: (1) 1 (2) 2♠; (5) P (P) ?
cascade: now you would have to judge at the five-level
peterb370c: at my table north opened 2♠ !! p-p-p !!!
lady stu: was better to open w/hearts instead of clubs since had ace and queen?
cascade: I think south's strength is about right for 2NT
cascade: that is certainly an alternative
cascade: but with sound (but not super strong) hands I prefer to bid my six-card major
cascade: it might go like that if North opens 2♠
cascade: I would prefer to bid my six-card major rather than a five-card minor ...
cascade: i can't think of an exception
lady stu: thanks
cascade: i suppose with xxxxxx ♣ AKQJ10 I would show the two-suiter with an unusual 2NT
cascade: next hand ...

=== Board Two ===

Brd 2  ♠ 985
East    743
NS      Q9754
       ♣ 98
♠ T6           ♠ QJ43
 J92           KT85
 AK32          T
♣ AK53         ♣ JT72
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ AK72
       ♣ Q64
cascade: South is an ordinary 1NT
cascade: I would pass with West
cascade: I like to defend 1NT with a balanced hand
cascade: and 15 points is probably not quite enough to double a strong 1NT
cascade: North hates this but doesnt have much choice
cascade: he can pass or takeout to 3 ...
cascade: to takeout to 3 in SAYC you bid 2♠ (weak takeout to a minor) and opener bids 3♣ and you correct to 3
cascade: the three-level is very high vulnerable when there is not an absolute guarantee of a fit
cascade: so I pass
DocHelm: could he transfer to diamonds?
cascade: so this is a much simpler auction than the previous board
cascade: I would lead one of my ace-kings
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
Abdul10: n
rq4mulae: cascade's here is usually a T
->rq4mulae: ?
cascade: East's jack denies the queen
cascade: so West will switch
rq4mulae: lol sorry; misdirected
lady stu: why play jack on partners ace?
Noona_29: why u v to play j does it mean somthing
cascade: he can afford the jack since the doubleton ♣98 is in dummy and he has ♣J107x
Tilsit: yes !!
Noona_29: ok
Abdul10: tu
cascade: In the bidding you can transfer to diamonds if you want - I wouldn't want with only a five-card suit in a balanced hand
cascade: but transfers are NOT part of SAYC so you will need a special partnership agreement
cascade: This contract should go down - maybe a couple of tricks

=== Board Three ===

Brd 3  ♠ 32
South   A9752
EW      J76
       ♣ K85
♠ AT765        ♠ KQJ9
 Q             JT4
 954           AT832
♣ AQ42         ♣ 6
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ 84
       ♣ JT973
cascade: 1♠ is normal as are north and south's passes
cascade: East is ideal for a splinter
cascade: a splinter is a double jump in a new suit
cascade: it shows support for partner and a singleton or void
cascade: and usually around 10-12 hcp
cascade: it helps partner judge
cascade: e.g. here with wasted points in clubs - ♣ Q will not be pulling its full weight opposite a singleton
cascade: and a minimum opener can just sign-off in 4♠
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
cascade: without the splinter agreement ...
cascade: i would judge that East was too strong for a limit raise
cascade: so the options are ...
lady stu: id be scared id get stuck in clubs w/singleton
cascade: 1. upgrade to a Jacoby 2NT
cascade: 2. bid a new suit and then jump to game
cascade: or perhaps 3. jump to 4♠ immediately - but I think the hand is too good for that
cascade: you need to have an agreement with your partner in advance
cascade: just bidding 4♣ without discussing it first would be scary
cascade: but splinters are a good convention to learn
finar: why isn't the transfer sayc and the other conventions are?
cascade: not least because they help you understand bidding judgment
cascade: which cards are good opposite the singleton and which are poor
cascade: that question about transfers relates to the previous hand ...
cascade: SAYC is supposed to be a well defined system
cascade: the conventions over a 1NT opening are ...
cascade: 1. Stayman
cascade: 2. Jacoby Transfers
cascade: 3. 2♠ weak takeout to a minor
cascade: 4. 3♣/ invitational with a six-card suit
cascade: 5. 3/♠ looking for slam with a six-card suit
cascade: (actually 4. and 5. are not technically conventions - they are agreements)
cascade: on this hand ...
cascade: Splinters are not technically part of SAYC but I mention them because I think they are a worthwhile convention to learn
cascade: and illustrate good bidding judgement
cascade: usually i stick fairly closely to SAYC
finar: thank you
lady stu: thanks
cascade: There are notes in the library for Bridge Base Basic which is fairly close to SAYC
cascade: otherwise you can search the internet with Google or something and find SAYC notes

cascade: === Board Four ===

Brd 4  ♠ KT98432
West    6
All     8
       ♣ KJ92
♠ Q65          ♠ A
 QJ43          K87
 A72           QJT6543
♣ T75          ♣ A6
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ J7
       ♣ Q843
cascade: North is fairly normal for 3♠
cascade: seven spades
cascade: some might open a 7-4 hand 4♠
cascade: some might pass since they don't have two of the top honours
etlegg (Lobby): hi - just testing
cascade: 2nd seat I like my pre-empts to be a bit sounder
cascade: so I think this is about mid-range for 3♠
cascade: the suit is slightly weaker than I would like
cascade: but I have a bit of side-suit distribution to comprimise
cascade: East might overcall 4
cascade: I don't like 4-minor overcalls ...
cascade: but nothing else is sensible for this hand
cascade: it is not quite good enough for 5
cascade: and the diamonds aren't good enough and the spade stopper not so good for 3NT
cascade: South and West both might raise
cascade: it looks like 5 makes
cascade: but I wouldn't be confident raising with West's hand
sfw->Club: pls 1 player
Abdul10: save this hand
cascade: maybe you have 9 points and partner bid at the four-level so you just have to raise and hope
cascade: sorry wrong claim
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
lady stu: makes sense thanks
Abdul10: sorry thought that was hand 5
cascade: i will move on as we have got a bit behind time ...
cascade: I have a treat for you later ... Christmas present from me to the attenders at my lessons
finar->Club: no you told me why not to open 3 s because of not having more honors being vul

cascade: === Board Five ===

Brd 5  ♠ QJ7654
North   A85
NS      A
       ♣ QT5
♠ K83          ♠ T92
 J96           T73
 KT73          Q542
♣ AJ9          ♣ K32
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ A
       ♣ 8764
cascade: North has a normal 1♠ opening
cascade: with only one spade I would down-grade and respond 1NT
cascade: with 10 points you are usually almost too strong for 1NT but not quite strong enough for a two-over-one response
cascade: West's twelve points are not worth a bid
cascade: and north has a normal 2♠ rebid showing six
cascade: which will probably end the auction
cascade: any questions?
Abdul10: n
cascade: ===========
Noona_29: i would say 3nt
cascade: where?
finar: my partner responded 2h; so thought he had 5h right?
cascade: yes
cascade: 1♠ 2 shows five
cascade: every other new suit response shows only four or more cards
Noona_29: tks

cascade: === Board Six ===

Brd 6  ♠ J2
East    J762
EW      Q986
       ♣ KJ2
♠ AKQ9         ♠ T86
 T5            AQ3
 T2            AJ53
♣ AQ943        ♣ 865
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ 7543
       ♣ T7
finar: tks
lady stu: thanks
cascade: That last one will make four i think
cascade: but you don't want to be there needing a 3-3 spade break at least
rq4mulae->Club: lol only 2 plus scores for declarer in 9 tables: 1N+1, 2S+2.
cascade: West has quite a nice hand
cascade: a 2NT rebid from East is ideal
cascade: it shows around 11 points (10-11 for a passed hand)
cascade: and a stopper in the unbid suit
cascade: and West has some extras
cascade: so goes on to game
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
Abdul10: n
dee_dee_20: can you play this one? please
ulsay: no ty
dee_dee_20: I bid correctly but -1
cascade: I would probably lead a heart
dee_dee_20: yes
finar: i would worry about going to 3nt because of my heart holding but should not?
cascade: GIB says declarer can make on any lead
cascade: but i think it might be tricky
cascade: if i bid 1♣ then 1♠ i do not promise hearts
dee_dee_20: the ♣ finesse did me in
lady stu: I agree only 2 hearts in nt could be bad
cascade: if hearts are a problem then my conscience is clear and it is partner's problem
cdybr5 (Lobby): hi
cascade: it looks normal to play on clubs
finar: ok thank you
cascade: declarer has 3 spades two hearts and two aces
cascade: so needs to establish some tricks
cascade: i'd play the 9 in case the ♣ J10 are onside
cascade: intending to finesse the queen next time
cascade: north should return partner's suit
cascade: the club finesse loses but the clubs are set up
cascade: so there are no problems now
cascade: any more questions?
dee_dee_20: I see my error:-) played exactly the same but didn't cash in the rest of the ♣

Abdul10: tu wayne
cascade: This is my Christmas treat ...
dee_dee_20: thanks
cascade: I have published last weeks hands and discussion ...
lady stu: thanks
cascade: i hope to do that more regularly
cascade: you can see the discussion here
Noona_29: ty & merry chrismas
cascade: I hope you find that helpful
cascade: and the format useful
cascade: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rq4mulae: thanks, Wayne and Merry Christmas
cascade: thanks everyone for coming
cascade: and thanks to the BIL for hosting this session
7nt4u: thx great lesson
peterb370c: ty wayne
lady stu: thanks Wayne
cascade: I will be back next week
finar->Club: thank you and a merry xmas
Cvet: ty very much, Merry Christmas
liuchi->Club: ty Wayne, merry Christmas
cascade: I will try and publish today's hands and discussion later today
fiscryder: Thx Wayne...Happy Christmas to you and your do a tremendous amount for us BILers
cascade: so check back to and look later if you want to review the lesson
cascade: Thanks everyone for your good wishes
cascade: and Happy Christmas to you and yours
krzychu56: thx Wayne happy Christmas
cascade: bye all closing now :-)
Private Bridge Lessons

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