Friday, January 12, 2007

11/01/07 Hand Six

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 6  ♠ AJT
East    KJT5
EW      9653
       ♣ J2
♠ 532          ♠ KQ874
 A82           74
 KQ8           A
♣ KQ97         ♣ T8654
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ 96
       ♣ A3
cascade: =Board Six=
cascade: but 3 is certainly not wrong
cascade: I don't mind raising spades on this auction with three spades only
cascade: but with xxx and 4-3-3-3 distribution i will make the normal 1NT rebid
cascade: East's hand is marginal
cascade: if there is a fit the hand could play well
cascade: the hand is nearly invitational
cascade: but most actions over a 1NT rebid are weak or strong
cascade: and the hand is not suited for an inviational 2NT
cascade: 2♣ shows a weakish hand with clubs
cascade: (unless you play checkback Stayman)
cascade: and is likely to end the auction
cascade: 4♠ will make i think
cascade: but it needs the ♠A onside and the spades breaking
cascade: so is only marginal in the bidding
cascade: it probably needs clubs breaking too
cascade: so that there is no club ruff
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
peterb370c: 4♠ is cold, isn't it?
cascade: it will make
cascade: but nearly half of the time with the EW cards there will be a club ruff
cascade: half of the rest the ♠A will be wrong
cascade: and 1/3 of the rest spades will not break
cascade: which makes it around 15-20% contract
peterb370c: lol not the best game ever
cascade: so i am happy not being there
cascade: ==============================================
cascade: Thanks everyone for coming
MikeJ: Thank you very much for your time Wayne!
Fazza: many thanks Wayne:):):)
peterb370c: thnx wayne excellent as usual!
cascade: i will publish these hands and comments at
cascade: take a look and review the interesting ones
cascade: feedback will be appreciated
cdt: thanks Wayne for your time and efforts for us :)
onoway: thanks Wayne
cascade: you can comment on the hands there
cascade: thanks to the BIL for hosting these sessions
rq4mulae: and thanky you very much for doing them, Wayne!
cascade: I will not be here for the next two weeks
cascade: I am playing a tournament in Canberra
onoway: best of luck!!
Fazza: good luck:)

11/01/07 Hand Five

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 5  ♠ J9
North   Q9432
NS      K982
       ♣ AQ
♠ T72          ♠ 63
 T75           86
 QJ3           AT764
♣ 8654         ♣ KJT3
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ AKQ854
       ♣ 972         cascade
cascade: =Board Five=
cascade: The beauty of bridge is that there is always something more to learn ;-)
analisals: goodo point about the switch being a hint of singleton, hope to remember that
cascade: South is ideal for a strong jump shift
cascade: a great suit with support for partner on the side
cascade: 2♠ is GF (and slam interest) usually about 17-18 or more
cascade: North can rebid 2NT or 3
peterb370c: this board was our only negative missed the slam
cascade: for me 2♠ will not have a second suit so I would rebid 2NT without a good second suit or lots of distribution
cascade: South can now safely show the heart support
cascade: since 2♠ established a GF
cascade: and now North can cue-bid
cascade: when South sees the club cue-bid he can ask for aces (key-cards)
cascade: and bid slam
cascade: this hand is slightly better if you play 1430 responses to RKCB
cascade: since then there is room to ask for the Q
cascade: any questions
cascade: ===========
rq4mulae: in 2/1, using weak j-s's by responder, 2♠ still effective?
cascade: definitely not if you play weak jump shifts
rq4mulae: then artificial 2♣, yes?
cascade: 1 1♠ if i do not play strong jump shifts
WSue601: unclear on the 2NT...why not 2 dia?
WSue601: 3 dia...
cascade: 3 is ok too
cascade: either - i think i said there was a choice
cascade: for me when my partnership bids 2♠ we won't have a second suit (expect if it is support for partner)
cascade: so there is no point bidding a poorish four-card suit
WSue601: oh...thanks

11/01/07 Hand Four

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 4  ♠ T7
West    J
All     AQ652
       ♣ AQ863
♠ AQJ98        ♠ K43
 KT32          975
 987           43
♣ 7            ♣ KJT52
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ 652
       ♣ 94
cascade: =Board Four=
analisals: was wrong I was NOrth what would be a good lead there
cascade: sorry forgot to claim
cascade: it makes it easier for me later
cascade: 1 the highest of two five-card suits
cascade: West having passed can overcall 1♠
cascade: East should raise
cascade: and this creates a little problem for South
cascade: 3 doesnt really show the values of the hand
cascade: without the raise South would jump to 3 to invite game
cascade: after 2♠ - 3 is just competitive
cascade: 5 is a long way off so I am happy being conservative
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
analisals: does it make?
cascade: 5 diamonds, one club and one heart on the top
cascade: you can easily establish a second heart by running the J
cascade: but there might be problems if you play clubs early and suffer a ruff
cascade: especially if the ♣A is ruffed
cascade: GIB says declarer must play the ace here
cascade: so i think in practice 3 might fail
cascade: the club switch suggests a singleton
analisals: appreciate your comments thanks, don't know if I will ever learn the play of the hand
amms3: what does he mean by GIB
cascade: but some will take the finesse
cascade: GIB is a button at the bottom right
cascade: it tells if you what you can make if you could see all of the cards
cascade: and what the best plays are

11/01/07 Hand Three

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 3  ♠ A872
South   KQ93
EW      K62
       ♣ 87
♠ K5           ♠ J963
 A86542        JT
 4             AT953
♣ AT64         ♣ 93
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ QT4
       ♣ KQJ52
cascade: =Board Three=
cascade: maybe some would pass the south hand
cascade: it is not perfect since there will be rebid problems over 1 by partner
cascade: North can make a negative double showing four spades
cascade: East is weak without support for partner's overcall
cascade: and south is forced to rebid the clubs
cascade: for me 2 would be a reverse
cybershot2: thanks ive gtg, I'll read the rest on the blog , good sessio
cascade: the negative double said something about spades but nothing about diamonds
cascade: north with 12 points is worth a game invite
cascade: or an optimist would just bid 3NT
cascade: the optimist would be rewarded if he can make 3NT
amms3: ew played nt and went down
cascade: which would need a lot of good guessing
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
analisals: I opened one diamond was that gross?
cascade: no some solve the rebid problem for this sort of hand that way
cascade: if i was to do that i would like better diamonds and worse clubs
cascade: but it could easily be right even with this hand

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 2  ♠ 8742
East    A62
NS      J63
       ♣ AQ5
♠ AKT96        ♠ QJ
 7             Q98543
 AQ8           T
♣ T984         ♣ K762
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ 53
       ♣ J3
cascade: =Board Two=
cascade: 2 always for me here
cascade: especially at this vul
cascade: but if you have standards you might have to pass on Qxxxxx
cybershot2: lol any standards?
cascade: West doesn't have enough to bid over a weak bid with no fit
cascade: and North has a very dubious takeout double
cascade: i wouldn't vul - there is too much down-side when we can't make anything at the three-level
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
cybershot2: if E passes does South have a weak 2?
cascade: If East passed then my standards are that i would not open the south hand at this vul
cascade: vul versus not I am much more cautious
MikeJ: With solid spades, opening points, and favorable colors, West shouldn't say anything?
cascade: and would like a better suit and maybe a better hand
cascade: no
cascade: it is unlikely that EW have a game
cascade: and that East will have a spade fit
cascade: the most likely outcome from bidding 2♠ is that you get to 3
MikeJ: ty
cascade: which is one trick harder to make
myrto: our opps bid and made 3nt
cascade: a similar hand - AK AQ with a fit for partner's hearts and I will bid
cascade: 3NT should be defeated
picsou1->Kibitzers: 3nt why not ?
cascade: and that is after two finesses are successful
cascade: i would be happy for my opponents to be in 3NT
analisals: would you double 3 NT?
hoppyjack: I was thinking the lessons said you need 2 of the top 3 for a weak opening.
cascade: no
cascade: i can't see who has a double
cascade: A word of clarification ...
cascade: Standards for your weak twos are good
JAF1935: Hi I'm late sorry which hand may we see3 all or only one
cascade: an easy standard is 2 out of 3 top honours or 3 of the top five
Laptop: hi
cascade: then your partner will have a good basis for his judgement
cascade: Others like to pre-empt in a less disciplined way
hoppyjack: It seemed to work well, in the lessons. :-)
cascade: Personally my style is less disciplined in terms of suit quality
hoppyjack: tu
cascade: although my partner and I work hard on having a different sort of standard
alexiss: 6bds in 3 runden?
rq4mulae->Club: are you more likely to be undisciplined with minor or major?
cascade: so that we know what to expect
rq4mulae: so that we know what to expect
rq4mulae: are you more likely to be undisciplined with minor or major?
analisals: does that standard change for second or third seat?
cascade: our standard is more based on over-all suit strength
analisals: does that standard change for 2nd or 3rd seat?
cascade: sorry
cascade: over-all hand strength
cascade: and it varies by position and vulnerability
cascade: a summary for all our pre-empts at the 2-3 level
cascade: is
cascade: 1♠t seat agressive
cascade: 2nd seat sounder
cascade: 3rd seat - we don't care but we are not silly
cascade: 4th seat - we don't pre-empt with weak hands
cascade: and by vul
cascade: we use a "rule of..." basis
onoway: I am sorry I was unable to get here earlier..are you going to talk about overcalling preempts or have I missed it?
cascade: which means that our pre-empts are roughly within a certain number of tricks of the contract
cascade: it ranges from about 2 tricks at unfavourable vul (or maybe a little better)
cascade: to within 4 or 5 tricks at favourable vul
->onoway: if it comes up
cybershot2: do you mean 2tricks down at unfavorable vul?
->JAF1935: you should be able to kibitz all hands
cascade: yes or maybe even a bit more cautious
cybershot2: and you will tolerate -4 or 5 at favorable?
cascade: in our own hand
cascade: if i am down 5 and partner contributes nothing i needn't worry too much since the opponents have probably missed slam
cascade: and at favourable vul if doubled that is -1100 vs their 1430 or so
cybershot2: thanks
cascade: where as unfavourable -2 undoubled is a disaster when they have nothing
cascade: next hand

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 1  ♠ J82
North   8764
None    843
       ♣ AQ2
♠ T7           ♠ A953
 9             AKJ2
 QJT952        7
♣ J986         ♣ 7543
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ KQ64
       ♣ KT
cascade: Welcome everyone
cascade: I hope you enjoyed the tournament
myrto: we are all ears
analisals: thanks Cascade for having it -
cascade: Please limit public chat to the question time at the end of each hand
myrto: i didnt do well so i didnt
ruder_7: thx for the play
cascade: I have been publishing the hands and text from these lessons on my blog
analisals: I didn't do well but enjoyed it anyway as a learning xperience
cascade: you can review them later here
cascade: =Board One=
rahel1: welcome kibitzer :)
cascade: South has a choice between double and 1NT
cascade: with both majors and only one stopper the hand is more suited for a takeout double
cascade: West has club support and a good diamond suit
cascade: so I would bid in spite of only 4 points
cascade: Pass is possible
sz_l: 2 would be weak ?
cascade: normally i would freely respond to the takeout double
cascade: but with only 7 points and six of those in the opponents suit
cascade: and 4-3-3-3 distribution
cascade: with poor hearts
cascade: i would pass
cascade: (if West passed I would be obligated to bid)
cascade: I would be very happy about my pass when East rebid 1
myrto: would you as N if S bid 1nt?
Rae123: too flat for 1nt response
cascade: any questions?
myrto: right i didnt
cascade: ===========
cascade: after 1NT north would pass
sz_l: what would be 1♣ - dbl - 2 ?
myrto: weak and long suit?
rq4mulae: i bid 1NT to be pre-emptive as much as anything, since p passed. really that dumb? :)
cascade: from the SAYC notes "A responder's jump shift after a double is to play:"
cybershot2: why do you prefer Dbl to 1nt by south ... Kx seems ok after a minor opening?
cascade: when partner is a passed hand i would judge it is more important to get to a good part-score so I am more inclined to double
rq4mulae: k tx
cascade: i want to emphasise the majors
cascade: If East is short then ♣Kx maybe fine
cascade: but ♣Kx is a ruffing value if we have a major fit
cascade: so I want to maximise the chance of finding our major fit
cybershot2: any rebid problems after a X?
cascade: there are a number of hands that will pass 1NT with a four-card major
cascade: yes there will be rebid problems if North bids diamonds
figgie: when would a 1 h response from N be appropriate after the 1 d bid by W?
cascade: Mike Lawrence used to advocate a double then 1NT rebid with this sort of hand
cybershot2: what is your response if he bids ?
cascade: but the standard is for double and a 1NT rebid to show a stronger hand - 19-21
cascade: I would raise to 3
cybershot2: ok thanks
Fazza: can you show us the bidding if it goes: 1♣lub-1NT .....?
analisals: what would you bid as north?
rq4mulae: this is very good hand for discussion, Wayne. tx
cascade: West might bid 2
cascade: if not pass-pass-pass
Fazza: ok. ty:)
cascade: 2 is weak after a "STRONG" 1NT overcall
cascade: and should show six diamonds
figgie: what if it is 1 c..X..1..1?
cascade: this might get passed out
cascade: although i imagine lots of East's would try and rescue
cascade: 2 on the 6-1 fit actually plays better than 2♣ on the 4-4 fit
cascade: perhaps some norths would go on
cascade: but i would down grade for the reasons i mentioned earlier
cascade: 4-3-3-3
cascade: 6 points in the opponents suit
figgie: ty Wayne
cascade: 3 can actually make
cascade: basically East gets end-played
figgie: y

Saturday, January 06, 2007

BIL Lesson 05/01/07 - Hand Six

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 6  ♠ T73
East    KT5
EW      732
       ♣ J865
♠ AJ4          ♠ Q98652
 AQ963         ---
 4             AKT95
♣ QT72         ♣ AK
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ K
       ♣ 943
cascade: === Board Six ===
Campus61: I gavehim this>
->Campus61: thanks
cascade: Campus61 just gave me this link
cascade: thanks
cascade: East has a nice hand
Campus61: (*:*) retired Girl Scout here
cascade: and West has support and a good hand of his own
cascade: West's choices are 2 intending to raise spades strongly next time
cascade: or a Jacoby 2NT - although some like four trumps for that
cascade: or a Splinter but that is more advanced
cascade: a splinter is 4 showing trump support and a singleton or void in the suit bid
cascade: East's 3 shows a second suit and extra strength - enough to force to game
cascade: so West can bid 3♠ to show support
cascade: and leave room for cue-bids
cascade: in this context a cue-bid shows a control - Ace, king, singleton or void - so that partner knows there are not two losers in this suit for slam
cascade: West might just bid Blackwood (RKCB) now
cascade: it is perhaps a slight overbid
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
Fazza: do you also like four trumps for a (mini)splinter?
rq4mulae: using J2NT, where do they go when opener shows H void? :-)
cascade: some require four trumps for a splinter
cascade: it is something to discuss with your partners
Fazza->Club: ok ty:)
anco->Club: what is J2NT pls
bedu: can I repete our bids ?
cascade: 1♠ 2NT; 3 (shortage) 3♠ (waiting); 4♣ (cue) ... etc along similar lines now
krzychu56: thx Wayne
cascade: J2NT = Jacoby 2NT - 1Maj 2NT showing support for opener and GF values
cascade: -----------------
anco: tks
peterb370c: thnx wayne excellent as usual
Campus61: Thank you Wayne for ur tourney and review
cascade: you can read the text of these lessons at
rq4mulae: ok, i thought it took rebid of short suit to show void. but only if you want to? :-)
cascade: today's lesson will be published sometime later today
Campus61: where?
cascade: you can make comments there on the hands
rq4mulae: tx Wayne
bedu: my p bid 2 ♣ is this correct?
onoway: thanks for this Wayne both fun and helpful
cascade: let me know if you find that helpful
Fazza: many thanks Wayne:)
berniel: tks
cascade: i don't know which seat he was in but i cannot see a hand here that would bid 2♣
cascade: thanks everyone for coming
boeh->Club: thanks
cascade: and thanks to the BIL for hosting these sessions
bedu: east 2 ♣ me 2 relay
cocobean: thx
cascade: 2♣ GF
cdt: Thanks Wayne wonderful lesson :)
cascade: i do not think this hand is strong enough
->cdt: thanks
bedu: yes he bid 2 ♠ and me 3
cascade: bye all closing i have an appointment to get out to in 20 minutes
KeldKn (Lobby): thanks and happy new year
->KeldKn: thx

BIL Lesson 05/01/07 - Hand Five

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 5  ♠ AK82
North   A854
NS      QJT5
       ♣ 9
♠ J6           ♠ QT93
 KQJ7          T962
 A32           986
♣ QT86         ♣ K7
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ 754
       ♣ AJ5432
cascade: === Board Five ===
cascade: North has an awkward hand 4=4=4=1
cascade: depending on how the auction develops
cascade: South has six clubs but not enough strength to bid at the two-level
cascade: and North will have nowhere to go
ulsay: whatabout rule of 14?
cascade: Maybe West would want to bid
cavalier2: true, I made the mistake of bidding 3 nt
cascade: but there is nothing sensible for him to say
cascade: double would suggest more spades
cascade: and he doesn't have a five-card suit to overcall
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
cascade: What is the rule of 14?
SillyBily->Kibitzers: next 1 after 13
cavalier2: what is rule 14
peterb370c: hcp + suit length>= 14 justifies a 2 level response
cascade: K looks like a normal lead
cascade: and declarer has 7 easy tricks - two spades, one heart, three diamonds (knock out the ace first) and one club
cascade: that makes for very light two over one responses
cascade: which is not the SAYC style
Dianne0516: How would you bid it in 2/1?
cascade: the same way in 2/1
cascade: My understanding is that SAYC has very sound 2/1 responses compared with other systems (except 2/1)
rq4mulae: except N is forced, yes?
cavalier2: please explain 2/1
cascade: normally a new suit at the two-level is written as 11+
cascade: i think you have to respond at the two level sometimes with a little less
Dianne0516: not 2 diamonds in 2/1?
cascade: but i don't think 8 points would be enough
->Dianne0516: by which hand?
Dianne0516: south
cascade: i don't think 1 1NT is normally played as forcing
cascade: 2/1 is a different system
cascade: this lesson is based on SAYC or Bridge Base Basic so I don't want to go into any more details now
cascade: next hand ...

BIL Lesson 05/01/07 - Hand Four

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 4  ♠ AT97
West    5
All     A9862
       ♣ J64
♠ KJ85         ♠ 6432
 T32           AKQ864
 53            KJ4
♣ KT95         ♣ ---
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ Q
       ♣ AQ8732
cascade: === Board Four ===
rq4mulae: is there some system/convention that overcalls weak 2's with intermediate hand as takeout and forcing on p?
rq4mulae: overcalls with NT, specifically
cascade: yes there is some method where double is penalties and a suit bid is used as takeout
cascade: i wouldnt recommend it though
cascade: South is a marginal overcall
cascade: six clubs and 11 points fits within the normal range
cascade: but there is a stiff Queen
cascade: and partner has passed
dusi_vr: y he is having 11 points
cascade: nevertheless i think most would bid
cascade: and West has a routine raise
cascade: as does north
cascade: this is a similar situation to an earlier hand
cascade: hand two
cascade: North has two aces
cascade: i would like to make a stronger raise
cascade: but not so strong that i am committed to the four-level
cascade: but there is none available
cascade: notice that it would be easy to make a strong raise (cue-raise) if West passed
cavalier2: how about a neg double in north
cascade: a takeout double would be ok
cascade: probably better than 3♣ since it allows for other contracts - spades in particular
cascade: East has a little extra and good distribution
cascade: i would be tempted to bid 4
KeldKn: rdbl
cavalier2: our opps bid 4 hearts and were down l
cascade: but that won't be successful here
cascade: i would definitely at least invite game with the east hand
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
dusi_vr: by bidding 3H
cascade: usually after the double by North ...
cascade: 3 would just be competitive
dusi_vr: oh ty
cascade: so to invite game i would need to bid a new suit or RDbl
dusi_vr: ok ty
KeldKn: why jump, p has a passed hand?
dusi_vr: 3NT will it be there please
cascade: i don't think so
cascade: too many aces to lose
dusi_vr: yes please
cascade: so too much time for the defense to set up extra tricks
dusi_vr: ty
cascade: and they have a potential second trick in clubs, diamonds and spades
->KeldKn: because of the distribution
->KeldKn: public questions are better
KeldKn: ok

BIL Lesson 05/01/07 - Hand Three

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 3  ♠ 97
South   KQT74
EW      9
       ♣ KJT82
♠ Q8           ♠ A64
 A95           J832
 QJ72          A653
♣ Q743         ♣ A6
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ KJT532
       ♣ 95
cascade: === Board Three ===
cascade: South has a nice weak two
cascade: I want to always bid with this hand ...
cascade: so I can't afford to have standards like needing two of the top three honours
cascade: in fact at this vulnerability with the extra distribution and in first seat i might consider opening 3♠
KeldKn: you have 3 of top 5
dusi_vr: in vul position also
cascade: if my standard was 3 of 5 honours then this would be ok if that was your standard
cascade: West is close to a takeout double
cascade: one more heart and the distribution would be ideal
cascade: but with only three hearts, ♠Qx, a minimum and being vulnerable there are too many reasons not to bid
cascade: North has too few points and not good enough fit to bid
rq4mulae: shows what YOU know! :-) i'll explain when you finish the hand.
cascade: and East could make a takeout double
cascade: this is not ideal (with a doubleton club) but is the sort of comprimise you sometimes need to make
cascade: West's bid over a takeout double is very awkward
cascade: he has no (real) spade stopper for No Trumps
cascade: only three hearts
cascade: but 11 points but would not necessarily want to jump in a minor
cascade: to show the values
aside08 (Lobby): þerefsiz cascade.masaya izleyici neden kabul etmiyorsun.hi//slm//bye..
cascade: some players use the Lebensohl convention in this auction
cascade: they bid 2NT with any weak hand
cascade: so a bid of 3♣ or 3 would show some values
cascade: I might overbid a little by cue-bidding 3♠ to ask partner if he has a spade stopper
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
rq4mulae: I SHOULD have opened 3S! Our W made incredible bid to give them top board on 14 IMP swing. :-( ...
bedu: N can bid 4 ♠ for barrage ?
cybershot2: please talk some more about the 2♠ bid.. I would pass here the ♠'s are not solid, min points
rq4mulae: 2S-2NT!!! - P - 3NT
Bilal1959 (Lobby): masa acamýon mu
cascade: this south hand is good for a pre-empt for a number of reasons
cascade: 1. 1st seat is the best seat to pre-empt
dusi_vr: with 6 Cards can we make 3 bid please
cascade: 2. favourable vul is the best for a sacrifice
cascade: 3. the hand has extra distribution and therefore playing strength (in spite of being weak)
dusi_vr: min 7 cards required for 3 level is it not so p
cascade: 4. there is some solidity in the spades with ♠ KJ10xxx
cascade: in my partnership if I opened this 2♠ (probably I would) i would call this a maximum weak two (at this vul) if partner asked
cascade: i would consider opening 3♠ based on the extra distribution
cascade: seven spades are normal for a 3♠ opening
cascade: any more questions?
cascade: notice that 2♠ works here
cascade: both East and West have some values but the bidding was awkward for them
cascade: that is what we are aiming for with our pre-empts (i include weak twos in 'pre-empts') ...
cascade: if the hand does not belong to our side we are hoping that it will be awkward for the opponents

BIL Lesson 05/01/07 - Hand Two

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 2  ♠ 63
East    753
NS      853
       ♣ KQJ93
♠ KQ84         ♠ J75
 Q86           T9
 KJT97         A642
♣ 7            ♣ A654
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ AT92
       ♣ T82
cascade: === Board Two ===
cascade: West is a marginal overcall
cascade: only 11 points
cascade: and only a five-card suit
cascade: but the vulnerability is favourable so I would bid
cascade: North can raise hearts and East diamonds
cascade: South has some distribution so might compete to 3
cascade: although there is some danger at this vulnerability
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
cascade: possibly East could make a stronger raise with two aces and four-card support but there is no good way to show that much after North raises to 2
cascade: no questions we will move on ...
ulsay: no ty

BIL Lesson 05/01/07 - Hand One

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 1  ♠ AT
North   K762
None    K
       ♣ T87653
♠ 9862         ♠ K5
 Q3            J984
 T9652         AQJ74
♣ K2           ♣ AQ
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ QJ743
       ♣ J94
cascade: Welcome everyone
cascade: I hope that you enjoyed the tournament
cascade: Lets make a start
cascade: I have been publishing the BIL lessons here
cascade: that includes the hands and discussion from this session
cascade: so beware your comments maybe published
cascade: === Board One ===
cascade: 1NT would be ok with the East hand
cascade: you are nearly balanced
cascade: and 17 hcp
cascade: with most of those points in the short suits
cascade: I would respond with the West hand
cascade: only five points but five-card support for opener's diamonds
cascade: opener's 2 is a reverse showing five (or more) diamonds and four hearts
cascade: and around 16/17 hcp or more
cascade: it is forcing for one round
cascade: West can give a simple preference to 3
cascade: which might end the auction
cdt: how wd bidding go with 1NT opening please?
cascade: there are two hearts and a spade to lose with the ♠A onside
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
cascade: after a 1NT opening the bidding might go Pass Pass Pass
cdt: how wd bidding go with NT opening
cascade: which should make exactly one on a normal spade lead
cascade: declarer has five diamonds and two clubs and a spade ( so actually one overtrick)
onoway: and if N came in with 2♣?
cascade: and the defense will set up four spades and have two hearts - but will only get five of these tricks if declarer takes his tricks first
jmzelis: is there a way to distinguish 3 forcing & non forcing (via leb 2NT ?
cascade: North cannot bid 2♣ unless you play Natural overcalls
HASTY: but now heading for costco to replenish our stock for the next year -
bluehi: can answer later is there any why to take the hands from barons into a teaching table in the bbo
onoway: our north did
cascade: SAYC includes Landy - 2♣ showing both majors - and many pairs play other defenses to 1NT Cappelletti or DONT etc
cavalier2: I was first bidder and opened 1 club, was that wrong
dusi_vr: lead of Spade from south will be Q S or Low S
dusi_vr: if low then they make 4 S or else they make three only
cascade: please ask your questions publically in the question time so that everyone can see
cascade: 1♣ is not wrong but it is very light with 1. only 10 points, 2. a bad suit and 3. a singleton King
cascade: open if your partner expects that you might be this light but you may just end too high if partner does not expect this
cascade: South's lead ...
cascade: I would lead a low spade versus NTs but the ♠Q against a suit
dusi_vr: yes please
cascade: the reason is that my aims are different ...
jmzelis: does some play 3 forcing ( or not ....
cascade: against NTs I want to set up as many tricks as possible
dee_dee_20: opps bid ♠ would south lead a ♠?
cascade: against a suit often the third round is ruffed by someone so I am primarily trying to win the first or second spade trick
cascade: I would lead a spade against NTs even if West bid them
cascade: but you might be talked out of it
->jmzelis: some play a version of Lebensohl after a reverse
jmzelis: ok, i have seen it ... thx