Friday, January 12, 2007

11/01/07 Hand Five

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 5  ♠ J9
North   Q9432
NS      K982
       ♣ AQ
♠ T72          ♠ 63
 T75           86
 QJ3           AT764
♣ 8654         ♣ KJT3
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ AKQ854
       ♣ 972         cascade
cascade: =Board Five=
cascade: The beauty of bridge is that there is always something more to learn ;-)
analisals: goodo point about the switch being a hint of singleton, hope to remember that
cascade: South is ideal for a strong jump shift
cascade: a great suit with support for partner on the side
cascade: 2♠ is GF (and slam interest) usually about 17-18 or more
cascade: North can rebid 2NT or 3
peterb370c: this board was our only negative missed the slam
cascade: for me 2♠ will not have a second suit so I would rebid 2NT without a good second suit or lots of distribution
cascade: South can now safely show the heart support
cascade: since 2♠ established a GF
cascade: and now North can cue-bid
cascade: when South sees the club cue-bid he can ask for aces (key-cards)
cascade: and bid slam
cascade: this hand is slightly better if you play 1430 responses to RKCB
cascade: since then there is room to ask for the Q
cascade: any questions
cascade: ===========
rq4mulae: in 2/1, using weak j-s's by responder, 2♠ still effective?
cascade: definitely not if you play weak jump shifts
rq4mulae: then artificial 2♣, yes?
cascade: 1 1♠ if i do not play strong jump shifts
WSue601: unclear on the 2NT...why not 2 dia?
WSue601: 3 dia...
cascade: 3 is ok too
cascade: either - i think i said there was a choice
cascade: for me when my partnership bids 2♠ we won't have a second suit (expect if it is support for partner)
cascade: so there is no point bidding a poorish four-card suit
WSue601: oh...thanks

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