Private Bridge Lessons |
Brd 2 ♠ 8742 East ♥ A62 NS ♦ J63 ♣ AQ5 cascade ♠ AKT96 ♠ QJ ♥ 7 ♥ Q98543 ♦ AQ8 ♦ T ♣ T984 ♣ K762 cascade cascade ♠ 53 ♥ KJT ♦ K97542 ♣ J3 cascade | West | North | East | South |
2♥ | Pass | |||
Pass | Pass | |||
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cascade: =Board Two=
cascade: 2♥ always for me here
cascade: especially at this vul
cascade: but if you have standards you might have to pass on Qxxxxx
cybershot2: lol any standards?
cascade: West doesn't have enough to bid over a weak bid with no fit
cascade: and North has a very dubious takeout double
cascade: i wouldn't vul - there is too much down-side when we can't make anything at the three-level
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
cybershot2: if E passes does South have a weak 2♦?
cascade: If East passed then my standards are that i would not open the south hand at this vul
cascade: vul versus not I am much more cautious
MikeJ: With solid spades, opening points, and favorable colors, West shouldn't say anything?
cascade: and would like a better suit and maybe a better hand
cascade: no
cascade: it is unlikely that EW have a game
cascade: and that East will have a spade fit
cascade: the most likely outcome from bidding 2♠ is that you get to 3♥
MikeJ: ty
cascade: which is one trick harder to make
myrto: our opps bid and made 3nt
cascade: a similar hand - AK AQ with a fit for partner's hearts and I will bid
cascade: 3NT should be defeated
picsou1->Kibitzers: 3nt why not ?
cascade: and that is after two finesses are successful
cascade: i would be happy for my opponents to be in 3NT
analisals: would you double 3 NT?
hoppyjack: I was thinking the lessons said you need 2 of the top 3 for a weak opening.
cascade: no
cascade: i can't see who has a double
cascade: A word of clarification ...
cascade: Standards for your weak twos are good
JAF1935: Hi ♥ I'm late sorry which hand may we see3 all or only one
cascade: an easy standard is 2 out of 3 top honours or 3 of the top five
Laptop: hi
cascade: then your partner will have a good basis for his judgement
cascade: Others like to pre-empt in a less disciplined way
hoppyjack: It seemed to work well, in the lessons. :-)
cascade: Personally my style is less disciplined in terms of suit quality
hoppyjack: tu
cascade: although my partner and I work hard on having a different sort of standard
alexiss: 6bds in 3 runden?
rq4mulae->Club: are you more likely to be undisciplined with minor or major?
cascade: so that we know what to expect
rq4mulae: so that we know what to expect
rq4mulae: are you more likely to be undisciplined with minor or major?
analisals: does that standard change for second or third seat?
cascade: our standard is more based on over-all suit strength
analisals: does that standard change for 2nd or 3rd seat?
cascade: sorry
cascade: over-all hand strength
cascade: and it varies by position and vulnerability
cascade: a summary for all our pre-empts at the 2-3 level
cascade: is
cascade: 1♠t seat agressive
cascade: 2nd seat sounder
cascade: 3rd seat - we don't care but we are not silly
cascade: 4th seat - we don't pre-empt with weak hands
cascade: and by vul
cascade: we use a "rule of..." basis
onoway: I am sorry I was unable to get here earlier..are you going to talk about overcalling preempts or have I missed it?
cascade: which means that our pre-empts are roughly within a certain number of tricks of the contract
cascade: it ranges from about 2 tricks at unfavourable vul (or maybe a little better)
cascade: to within 4 or 5 tricks at favourable vul
->onoway: if it comes up
cybershot2: do you mean 2tricks down at unfavorable vul?
->JAF1935: you should be able to kibitz all hands
cascade: yes or maybe even a bit more cautious
cybershot2: and you will tolerate -4 or 5 at favorable?
cascade: in our own hand
cascade: if i am down 5 and partner contributes nothing i needn't worry too much since the opponents have probably missed slam
cascade: and at favourable vul if doubled that is -1100 vs their 1430 or so
cybershot2: thanks
cascade: where as unfavourable -2 undoubled is a disaster when they have nothing
cascade: next hand
cascade: 2♥ always for me here
cascade: especially at this vul
cascade: but if you have standards you might have to pass on Qxxxxx
cybershot2: lol any standards?
cascade: West doesn't have enough to bid over a weak bid with no fit
cascade: and North has a very dubious takeout double
cascade: i wouldn't vul - there is too much down-side when we can't make anything at the three-level
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
cybershot2: if E passes does South have a weak 2♦?
cascade: If East passed then my standards are that i would not open the south hand at this vul
cascade: vul versus not I am much more cautious
MikeJ: With solid spades, opening points, and favorable colors, West shouldn't say anything?
cascade: and would like a better suit and maybe a better hand
cascade: no
cascade: it is unlikely that EW have a game
cascade: and that East will have a spade fit
cascade: the most likely outcome from bidding 2♠ is that you get to 3♥
MikeJ: ty
cascade: which is one trick harder to make
myrto: our opps bid and made 3nt
cascade: a similar hand - AK AQ with a fit for partner's hearts and I will bid
cascade: 3NT should be defeated
picsou1->Kibitzers: 3nt why not ?
cascade: and that is after two finesses are successful
cascade: i would be happy for my opponents to be in 3NT
analisals: would you double 3 NT?
hoppyjack: I was thinking the lessons said you need 2 of the top 3 for a weak opening.
cascade: no
cascade: i can't see who has a double
cascade: A word of clarification ...
cascade: Standards for your weak twos are good
JAF1935: Hi ♥ I'm late sorry which hand may we see3 all or only one
cascade: an easy standard is 2 out of 3 top honours or 3 of the top five
Laptop: hi
cascade: then your partner will have a good basis for his judgement
cascade: Others like to pre-empt in a less disciplined way
hoppyjack: It seemed to work well, in the lessons. :-)
cascade: Personally my style is less disciplined in terms of suit quality
hoppyjack: tu
cascade: although my partner and I work hard on having a different sort of standard
alexiss: 6bds in 3 runden?
rq4mulae->Club: are you more likely to be undisciplined with minor or major?
cascade: so that we know what to expect
rq4mulae: so that we know what to expect
rq4mulae: are you more likely to be undisciplined with minor or major?
analisals: does that standard change for second or third seat?
cascade: our standard is more based on over-all suit strength
analisals: does that standard change for 2nd or 3rd seat?
cascade: sorry
cascade: over-all hand strength
cascade: and it varies by position and vulnerability
cascade: a summary for all our pre-empts at the 2-3 level
cascade: is
cascade: 1♠t seat agressive
cascade: 2nd seat sounder
cascade: 3rd seat - we don't care but we are not silly
cascade: 4th seat - we don't pre-empt with weak hands
cascade: and by vul
cascade: we use a "rule of..." basis
onoway: I am sorry I was unable to get here earlier..are you going to talk about overcalling preempts or have I missed it?
cascade: which means that our pre-empts are roughly within a certain number of tricks of the contract
cascade: it ranges from about 2 tricks at unfavourable vul (or maybe a little better)
cascade: to within 4 or 5 tricks at favourable vul
->onoway: if it comes up
cybershot2: do you mean 2tricks down at unfavorable vul?
->JAF1935: you should be able to kibitz all hands
cascade: yes or maybe even a bit more cautious
cybershot2: and you will tolerate -4 or 5 at favorable?
cascade: in our own hand
cascade: if i am down 5 and partner contributes nothing i needn't worry too much since the opponents have probably missed slam
cascade: and at favourable vul if doubled that is -1100 vs their 1430 or so
cybershot2: thanks
cascade: where as unfavourable -2 undoubled is a disaster when they have nothing
cascade: next hand
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