Friday, January 12, 2007

11/01/07 Hand Four

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 4  ♠ T7
West    J
All     AQ652
       ♣ AQ863
♠ AQJ98        ♠ K43
 KT32          975
 987           43
♣ 7            ♣ KJT52
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ 652
       ♣ 94
cascade: =Board Four=
analisals: was wrong I was NOrth what would be a good lead there
cascade: sorry forgot to claim
cascade: it makes it easier for me later
cascade: 1 the highest of two five-card suits
cascade: West having passed can overcall 1♠
cascade: East should raise
cascade: and this creates a little problem for South
cascade: 3 doesnt really show the values of the hand
cascade: without the raise South would jump to 3 to invite game
cascade: after 2♠ - 3 is just competitive
cascade: 5 is a long way off so I am happy being conservative
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
analisals: does it make?
cascade: 5 diamonds, one club and one heart on the top
cascade: you can easily establish a second heart by running the J
cascade: but there might be problems if you play clubs early and suffer a ruff
cascade: especially if the ♣A is ruffed
cascade: GIB says declarer must play the ace here
cascade: so i think in practice 3 might fail
cascade: the club switch suggests a singleton
analisals: appreciate your comments thanks, don't know if I will ever learn the play of the hand
amms3: what does he mean by GIB
cascade: but some will take the finesse
cascade: GIB is a button at the bottom right
cascade: it tells if you what you can make if you could see all of the cards
cascade: and what the best plays are

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