Friday, January 12, 2007

11/01/07 Hand Three

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 3  ♠ A872
South   KQ93
EW      K62
       ♣ 87
♠ K5           ♠ J963
 A86542        JT
 4             AT953
♣ AT64         ♣ 93
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ QT4
       ♣ KQJ52
cascade: =Board Three=
cascade: maybe some would pass the south hand
cascade: it is not perfect since there will be rebid problems over 1 by partner
cascade: North can make a negative double showing four spades
cascade: East is weak without support for partner's overcall
cascade: and south is forced to rebid the clubs
cascade: for me 2 would be a reverse
cybershot2: thanks ive gtg, I'll read the rest on the blog , good sessio
cascade: the negative double said something about spades but nothing about diamonds
cascade: north with 12 points is worth a game invite
cascade: or an optimist would just bid 3NT
cascade: the optimist would be rewarded if he can make 3NT
amms3: ew played nt and went down
cascade: which would need a lot of good guessing
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
analisals: I opened one diamond was that gross?
cascade: no some solve the rebid problem for this sort of hand that way
cascade: if i was to do that i would like better diamonds and worse clubs
cascade: but it could easily be right even with this hand

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