Saturday, January 06, 2007

BIL Lesson 05/01/07 - Hand One

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 1  ♠ AT
North   K762
None    K
       ♣ T87653
♠ 9862         ♠ K5
 Q3            J984
 T9652         AQJ74
♣ K2           ♣ AQ
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ QJ743
       ♣ J94
cascade: Welcome everyone
cascade: I hope that you enjoyed the tournament
cascade: Lets make a start
cascade: I have been publishing the BIL lessons here
cascade: that includes the hands and discussion from this session
cascade: so beware your comments maybe published
cascade: === Board One ===
cascade: 1NT would be ok with the East hand
cascade: you are nearly balanced
cascade: and 17 hcp
cascade: with most of those points in the short suits
cascade: I would respond with the West hand
cascade: only five points but five-card support for opener's diamonds
cascade: opener's 2 is a reverse showing five (or more) diamonds and four hearts
cascade: and around 16/17 hcp or more
cascade: it is forcing for one round
cascade: West can give a simple preference to 3
cascade: which might end the auction
cdt: how wd bidding go with 1NT opening please?
cascade: there are two hearts and a spade to lose with the ♠A onside
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
cascade: after a 1NT opening the bidding might go Pass Pass Pass
cdt: how wd bidding go with NT opening
cascade: which should make exactly one on a normal spade lead
cascade: declarer has five diamonds and two clubs and a spade ( so actually one overtrick)
onoway: and if N came in with 2♣?
cascade: and the defense will set up four spades and have two hearts - but will only get five of these tricks if declarer takes his tricks first
jmzelis: is there a way to distinguish 3 forcing & non forcing (via leb 2NT ?
cascade: North cannot bid 2♣ unless you play Natural overcalls
HASTY: but now heading for costco to replenish our stock for the next year -
bluehi: can answer later is there any why to take the hands from barons into a teaching table in the bbo
onoway: our north did
cascade: SAYC includes Landy - 2♣ showing both majors - and many pairs play other defenses to 1NT Cappelletti or DONT etc
cavalier2: I was first bidder and opened 1 club, was that wrong
dusi_vr: lead of Spade from south will be Q S or Low S
dusi_vr: if low then they make 4 S or else they make three only
cascade: please ask your questions publically in the question time so that everyone can see
cascade: 1♣ is not wrong but it is very light with 1. only 10 points, 2. a bad suit and 3. a singleton King
cascade: open if your partner expects that you might be this light but you may just end too high if partner does not expect this
cascade: South's lead ...
cascade: I would lead a low spade versus NTs but the ♠Q against a suit
dusi_vr: yes please
cascade: the reason is that my aims are different ...
jmzelis: does some play 3 forcing ( or not ....
cascade: against NTs I want to set up as many tricks as possible
dee_dee_20: opps bid ♠ would south lead a ♠?
cascade: against a suit often the third round is ruffed by someone so I am primarily trying to win the first or second spade trick
cascade: I would lead a spade against NTs even if West bid them
cascade: but you might be talked out of it
->jmzelis: some play a version of Lebensohl after a reverse
jmzelis: ok, i have seen it ... thx

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