Friday, January 12, 2007

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 1  ♠ J82
North   8764
None    843
       ♣ AQ2
♠ T7           ♠ A953
 9             AKJ2
 QJT952        7
♣ J986         ♣ 7543
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ KQ64
       ♣ KT
cascade: Welcome everyone
cascade: I hope you enjoyed the tournament
myrto: we are all ears
analisals: thanks Cascade for having it -
cascade: Please limit public chat to the question time at the end of each hand
myrto: i didnt do well so i didnt
ruder_7: thx for the play
cascade: I have been publishing the hands and text from these lessons on my blog
analisals: I didn't do well but enjoyed it anyway as a learning xperience
cascade: you can review them later here
cascade: =Board One=
rahel1: welcome kibitzer :)
cascade: South has a choice between double and 1NT
cascade: with both majors and only one stopper the hand is more suited for a takeout double
cascade: West has club support and a good diamond suit
cascade: so I would bid in spite of only 4 points
cascade: Pass is possible
sz_l: 2 would be weak ?
cascade: normally i would freely respond to the takeout double
cascade: but with only 7 points and six of those in the opponents suit
cascade: and 4-3-3-3 distribution
cascade: with poor hearts
cascade: i would pass
cascade: (if West passed I would be obligated to bid)
cascade: I would be very happy about my pass when East rebid 1
myrto: would you as N if S bid 1nt?
Rae123: too flat for 1nt response
cascade: any questions?
myrto: right i didnt
cascade: ===========
cascade: after 1NT north would pass
sz_l: what would be 1♣ - dbl - 2 ?
myrto: weak and long suit?
rq4mulae: i bid 1NT to be pre-emptive as much as anything, since p passed. really that dumb? :)
cascade: from the SAYC notes "A responder's jump shift after a double is to play:"
cybershot2: why do you prefer Dbl to 1nt by south ... Kx seems ok after a minor opening?
cascade: when partner is a passed hand i would judge it is more important to get to a good part-score so I am more inclined to double
rq4mulae: k tx
cascade: i want to emphasise the majors
cascade: If East is short then ♣Kx maybe fine
cascade: but ♣Kx is a ruffing value if we have a major fit
cascade: so I want to maximise the chance of finding our major fit
cybershot2: any rebid problems after a X?
cascade: there are a number of hands that will pass 1NT with a four-card major
cascade: yes there will be rebid problems if North bids diamonds
figgie: when would a 1 h response from N be appropriate after the 1 d bid by W?
cascade: Mike Lawrence used to advocate a double then 1NT rebid with this sort of hand
cybershot2: what is your response if he bids ?
cascade: but the standard is for double and a 1NT rebid to show a stronger hand - 19-21
cascade: I would raise to 3
cybershot2: ok thanks
Fazza: can you show us the bidding if it goes: 1♣lub-1NT .....?
analisals: what would you bid as north?
rq4mulae: this is very good hand for discussion, Wayne. tx
cascade: West might bid 2
cascade: if not pass-pass-pass
Fazza: ok. ty:)
cascade: 2 is weak after a "STRONG" 1NT overcall
cascade: and should show six diamonds
figgie: what if it is 1 c..X..1..1?
cascade: this might get passed out
cascade: although i imagine lots of East's would try and rescue
cascade: 2 on the 6-1 fit actually plays better than 2♣ on the 4-4 fit
cascade: perhaps some norths would go on
cascade: but i would down grade for the reasons i mentioned earlier
cascade: 4-3-3-3
cascade: 6 points in the opponents suit
figgie: ty Wayne
cascade: 3 can actually make
cascade: basically East gets end-played
figgie: y

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