Saturday, January 06, 2007

BIL Lesson 05/01/07 - Hand Five

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 5  ♠ AK82
North   A854
NS      QJT5
       ♣ 9
♠ J6           ♠ QT93
 KQJ7          T962
 A32           986
♣ QT86         ♣ K7
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ 754
       ♣ AJ5432
cascade: === Board Five ===
cascade: North has an awkward hand 4=4=4=1
cascade: depending on how the auction develops
cascade: South has six clubs but not enough strength to bid at the two-level
cascade: and North will have nowhere to go
ulsay: whatabout rule of 14?
cascade: Maybe West would want to bid
cavalier2: true, I made the mistake of bidding 3 nt
cascade: but there is nothing sensible for him to say
cascade: double would suggest more spades
cascade: and he doesn't have a five-card suit to overcall
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
cascade: What is the rule of 14?
SillyBily->Kibitzers: next 1 after 13
cavalier2: what is rule 14
peterb370c: hcp + suit length>= 14 justifies a 2 level response
cascade: K looks like a normal lead
cascade: and declarer has 7 easy tricks - two spades, one heart, three diamonds (knock out the ace first) and one club
cascade: that makes for very light two over one responses
cascade: which is not the SAYC style
Dianne0516: How would you bid it in 2/1?
cascade: the same way in 2/1
cascade: My understanding is that SAYC has very sound 2/1 responses compared with other systems (except 2/1)
rq4mulae: except N is forced, yes?
cavalier2: please explain 2/1
cascade: normally a new suit at the two-level is written as 11+
cascade: i think you have to respond at the two level sometimes with a little less
Dianne0516: not 2 diamonds in 2/1?
cascade: but i don't think 8 points would be enough
->Dianne0516: by which hand?
Dianne0516: south
cascade: i don't think 1 1NT is normally played as forcing
cascade: 2/1 is a different system
cascade: this lesson is based on SAYC or Bridge Base Basic so I don't want to go into any more details now
cascade: next hand ...

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