Saturday, January 06, 2007

BIL Lesson 05/01/07 - Hand Two

Private Bridge Lessons

Brd 2  ♠ 63
East    753
NS      853
       ♣ KQJ93
♠ KQ84         ♠ J75
 Q86           T9
 KJT97         A642
♣ 7            ♣ A654
  cascade        cascade
       ♠ AT92
       ♣ T82
cascade: === Board Two ===
cascade: West is a marginal overcall
cascade: only 11 points
cascade: and only a five-card suit
cascade: but the vulnerability is favourable so I would bid
cascade: North can raise hearts and East diamonds
cascade: South has some distribution so might compete to 3
cascade: although there is some danger at this vulnerability
cascade: any questions?
cascade: ===========
cascade: possibly East could make a stronger raise with two aces and four-card support but there is no good way to show that much after North raises to 2
cascade: no questions we will move on ...
ulsay: no ty

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